Man's Creation Betzelem Elokim (2010)
The Central Role of Eretz Yisrael in Torah Life (2004)
Noach's Multigenerational Persona (2024)
Parshas Noach: A New Creation? (2002)
Shevah Mizvot Benei Noah vs. Brit Milah (2000)
The Spiritual Legacy of Noah and Avraham (1999)
Lech L'cha
Perspectives on Bitachon and the Centrality of Eretz Yisrael (2015)
Avraham Avinu: A New Paradigm (2012)
Avraham Avinu and the Concept of Emunah (2008)
Yirat Shamayim: When Potential is Not Enough (2014)
"Vayeira Elav Hashem": Experiencing Hashem's Presence in Torah Life (2007)
Chayey Sara
"Avraham Holid et Yitzchak": Initiating the Mesorah Community (2018)
Who is Yitzchak and what is his legacy? (2003)
Persistence and Initiative in Avodat Hashem (2005)
Parshat Vayishlach - The Principled Pursuit of Principle (2001)
The Obligation of Responsible Leadership (2016)
"Rav, Od Yosef beni Chai": Yaakov-Yisrael's Paradigmatic Response (2024)
Keriat Shema and the Reunion of Yisrael - Yosef (2014)
Response to His Brothers: Empathy and Loyalty as Transcendent Torah Values (2012)
Parshat Vayechi: The Convergence of Personal Legacy and National Destiny in Jewish Leadership (2015)
Yaakov's Final Spiritual Bequest to His Children (2009)
Yirat Shamayim As An Approach to Life and As A Legacy (2007)
The Contribution of the Ivri Concept to Jewish Nationhood (2001)
The Expansive Perspective of Torah Commitment (2023)
Moshe Rabbeinu's Legacy of Leadership (2000)
Korban Pesach: A Symbol of Faith and Commitment (2010)
The Leadership Partnership of Moshe and Aharon (2004)
Daber el Benei Yisrael ve-Yisau: Prayer, Faith, and Initiative: The Ideal Response to Crisis (2024)
The Art and Urgency of Prayer (2006)
Kibud Av ve-Eim: A Core Foundation of Torah Life (2019)
Lo Tachmod: The Perfect Culmination of the Asseret ha-Dibrot (2002)
Aseret ha-Dibrot and the Concept of Brit (2021)
Educating about the Elevated Standard of Halachic Man's Human Interactions (2015)
Protecting the Vulnerable in Society: A Litmus Test for an Idealistic System of Civil Law (2014)
Naaseh ve-Nishma: The Cultivation of a Torah Personality (2007)
Veasu Aron Atzei Shitim: Means and Ends and the Enigma of the Aron (2021)
Terumat haMishkan as an Expression of Am Yisrael's Brit (2018)
Building the Mishkan: Enabling and Interacting with the Transcendent Divine Presence (2011)
The Unique and Spiritually Ambitious Role of the Mizbeach ha-Ketoret (2005)
The role and symbol of the Tzitz (2003)
Cheit ha-Eigel: a Betrayal of Emunah and Bitachon (2020)
Chet ha-Eigel: A Catastrophic Theological and Ideological Lapse (2016)
Machzit ha-Shekel as a Census Methodology (2009)
The Relationship between Shabbat and the Construction of the Mishkan (2008)
Means and Ends in the Pursuit of Kedushah (2000)
Minchat Chinuch and Minchat Chavitin: The Idealistic Calling of Keter Kehunah (2024)
Birkat Kohanim: An Appropriate Component and Culmination of the Miluim (2019)
Va-yehi Ba-yom Ha-shemini: The Elevation and Initiation of the Kehunah Gedolah (2018)
Confronting the Challenge of Change: Three Perspectives on the Miluim Transition (2014)
Tazria - Metsora
The Eretz Yisrael Factor in Nigei Batim (2012)
Hishamer be-Nega ha-Ttzaraat: The Challenge of Overcoming Human Pettiness (2005)
Achrei Mos
Tzeniut as a Factor in Spirituality, Avodah, and National Kapparah (2021)
Kedoshim Tihiyu: Cultivating a Comprehensive and Integrative Approach to Avodat Hashem (2020)
The Sefirat HaOmer Period: A Dimension of Kedushat HaZeman (2012)
The Relationship between Shabbat and the Moadim (2000)
Ameilut ba-Torah: A Cornerstone and Methodology of Meaningful Halachic Existence (2024)
Ameilut ba-Torah: A Formula for Halachic Commitment and Chochmat ha-Torah (2019)
Intensity in Torah Study (2009)
The Census of Klal Yisrael: When Even Numbers Are Names and Objects are Subjects (2014)
Kedushat and Pidyon Bekhor (2001)
"Lamah Nigara": Recognizing the Primacy of Spiritual Opportunity and the Integrity of Halachic Life (2017) Pesach Sheni: A Quest for Spiritual Opportunity and National Identity (2006)
Parshat Behalotekhah: Ingredients of Rabbinic Leadership (2004)
Consolation, Chastisement, and Illumination in the Aftermath of the Meraglim Episode (2022)
Mitzvat Tzitzit: A Comprehensive, Holistic, and Integrative Approach to Avodat Hashem (2018)
Halachic Values in the Aftermath of the Episode of the Meraglim (2002)
Parshat Shelah: The Transgression of the Meraglim (2000)
Korach's Ideology of Unprincipled Dissent (2023)
The Rejection of Korach and His Ideology of Kedushah Minimalism (2015)
Absolute Emunah as a Test and Prerequisite of National Leadership (2012)
Kiddush Hashem as a Component of National Leadership (2008)
Zot Chukat haTorah: The Role of Chukim in Torah Study and Commitment (2007)
Mah Tovu Ohalecha Yaakov: A Sanctified Perspective on Dignity, Privacy, and Community (2013)
Peace in the Pursuit of War; War in the Pursuit of Peace (2014)
The Perfection of Torah and the Role of Nedarim (2009)
The Role of the Chacham as Reflected in Nedarim (2003)
The Significance of Nedarim (1999)
Eretz Yisrael: The Heritage of the Jewish People (2005)
Cultivating an Intimate Bond with Hashem Through Tefillah (2024)
Mourning and Celebrating "The Good Mountain", Yerushalayim (2017)
Parshat Ekev: An Approach to Formative Jewish Education (2011)
Only Yirat Shamayim? Yirat Shamayim as a Condition and Consequence of Avodat Hashem (2010)
Mitzvot Kallot as a Litmus Test of Religious Commitment (2004)
Zaken Mamrei: Integrity and the Pursuit of Truth in Halachic Life (2022)
The Rigorous Simplicity of Temimut (2006)
Ki Teitsei
Ben Sorer u-Moreh: The Importance of Cultivating a Religious Personality (2014)
Naki Yihyeh Le-Beito Shanah Achat: The National Dimension of Jewish Marriage (2012)
Confronting and Overcoming Human Weakness (2007)
Ki Savo